Sunday, November 4, 2007

William Willett messed with your clock.

Today is Daylight Savings Time. The Time/Space continuum will no longer accept that it is Noon at noon today, and will only regard 11am as the proper time at noon. All subsequent hours will be observed on the hour previous, and that hour will fall on the hour before it. Seems tedious doesnt it. You can blame/thank William Willett for today's extra hour-as it was he who ressurected the idea from ancient societies who wanted to be around for as much of the sunlight hours as possible. Benjamin Franklin is often wrongly accredited for DST's revival, but this is incorrect as he merely mentioned the idea in an anonymous satire written in 1784.
So love it or hate it, you now have an extra hour to build that danger ray, calibrate your robots lasers, or read boring blog posts about daylight savings. See you an hour ago!

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