Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dradis Contact! Set Condition One throughout the fleet.....

Whoever said ignorance is bliss was full of it. It sucks when you aren't in the know. Especially when the fourth and final season of the finest television show in production is about to air and you have no idea what is going on. I speak of Battlestar Galactica, as re-imagined for the SciFi Channel. Though it must suck be ignorant of such a prolific program, there is indeed a cure. Instead of sitting through the previous three seasons to get a handle on BSG you can click the button below and get the 8-minit clif's notes on the show. That way when season 4 airs on Friday night you can have your mind blown straight out the back of your head and onto the living room wall along with everyone else who wont shut up about how frak'n rad Battlestar is. Now you too can have the power to not shut up about the best thing that has happened to T.V. since vacuum tubes. So Say We All!

1 comment:

Yano Solong: Reality Architect said...

I mean this should just have a big ol tag on it reading "SPOILERS DO NOT WATCH FOR ENJOYMENT OF BSG EVER"

I'd rather wait till the series is all on DVD or just avoid the SciFi channel when it comes on. Actually, watching the video did inspire me to get the DVDs but I'm trying to forget everything I just watched.