Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Singularity Acceleration Benchmark: Bionic Contact Lens

In the great upward spiral of evolution, we can glimpse certain developments which herald the arrival of the future. The personal computer appeared in this continuity downstream timewise from myself, as did the portable comm "cellphone" technology. (Its evolution continues to mimic cellular forces but no longer solely relies on phonic transmission.)

The evolution of etheric interfaces continues with the development of the bionic contact lens. Long foretold in science/fictional treatises, this device will add digital capture, processing, and display emulation to your existing fleshy optic receptors.

Due to a serendipitous beta selection process, members of the Science Patrol will be among the first to be fitted with these revolutionary elective prostheses. Wormocious Emeritus has been at the forefront of these developments, and we hope he enjoys these enhancements as he navigates new realities in the neverending search for truth.

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