Thursday, April 24, 2008

CardiganLabs Presents:Zombie Safety

Recently I was asked to give a speech at Community College of Philadelphia that demonstrated my expertise on the topic of my choosing. For the speech I chose to present the CardiganLabs Approved© Zombie Safety Seminar entitled "Zombies & You:Protecting Your Brain in the Face of Ravenous Hunger". The above video documents said presentation. It should also be noted that the speech was later accepted into the Magner Nichols Annual Public Speaking and Monologue Competition at the college, where it garnered First Prize in the Public Speaking bracket. The event was gracefully hosted by Professor Kirsten Quinn, head of the Communication Arts Department at CCP, this past April 18th. A certificate of recognition will be presented to me by Professor Quinn at the 2008 Graduation Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 2nd at 6pm in the Bonnell Building on campus.
This achievement would not be possible without assistance from Jim Kauterman, Mario Castillo, Mike McCullough, Dr. Solong and the Science Patrol Team, and readers like yourself. Below is a picture of the guy on top of the trophy given at the Magner/Nichols competition. He belongs to You.

1 comment:

Wormocious: Bodhisattva of Nanoemotions said...

On this day, it is the pleasure of Science Patrol to award Lance Cardigan of Cardigan Labs the Medal of Infinite Density in the field of Zombie Survival, Zombie Attack Protocol, and Education in the Field of Zombie Related Attack. Congratulations, and use your recognition to benefit all human-kind.