Monday, June 16, 2008

Got it now, Earthman?

One of my favorite films of the past that depicts the future is definitely 2001:A Space Odyssey. It is by far one of the most intellectually provocative and prolific movies I have ever seen.

Unfortunately, it is also really really long. And to be honest there isnt alot going on for most of the time. In fact, they barely mention the plot for the first like two hours. When you are circumnavigating the continuum and plotting all eventual points between here and the tenth dimension, you just dont have that kind of time.

Good thing New Media Giants has gone to the trouble of breaking the film down to its barest essence and presenting it to you in a four episode flash presentation that offers a very astute interpretation of the films deeper meaning. Set fazers to and get the readers digest version of one of the best movies ever made.
By the way, if your computer refuses to load the site, you should probably turn it off. forever.

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