Thursday, June 12, 2008

Visible Kaiju

From the desk of Wormocious Emeritus comes these incredibly realistic drawings of the anatomy of various Kaiju. Without them, Wormocious would be unable to conduct his groundbreaking experiments in the field of Space Monster Surgery. The photos themselves were posted on flickr by user Modern Fred. MF's source for these photos is as of yet unknown; however, research is underway.

Godzilla is totally a copyrighted franchise. SciencePatrol does not want your money.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I noticed I was getting some visits from you on Analytics. And look at that, I'm on your blogroll now! I'd be surprised if there was a stranger combination of bloggers. Maybe that could be your next science project; blogs people link to on their blog that have absolutely nothing to do with what their blog is about.