Saturday, October 13, 2007

Robots vs Games: RuBot II.

Nothing like a robot programmed to do only one thing. From playing chess to vacuuming the floor-single purpose robots are perfect for that one task we'd rather not be doing; or cant do-as the case may be. When faced with a difficult problem such as solving a Rubik's Cube puzzle, in many cases it may be easier to simply build a robot to do it for you than to face the task directly.
That being said, i present to you RuBot II; a robot designed for that menacing task of getting the sides to match, and getting you to clap for him. Woot.

1 comment:

Yano Solong: Reality Architect said...

Ok, flyboy, your robot works. However, I fail to see how making a robot to solve the Cube can be any easier than solving the Cube yourself. Teaching a robot to solve a puzzle entails understanding the solution yourself, right?