. <--- See that dot. It is enormous compared to how large you are in relation to The Universe. You, after all; are a tiny, miniscule, almost insignificant spec when you look at The Universe as a whole. But when you take an atom; just one part of yourself, one single solitary unit of your whole; you realize how much of you there actually is. You are gigantic compared to the parts that make up you.
To get an idea of what im talking about, ill refer you to this flash presentation that scales from our place in the universe on down to the size of an atom. Then you will realize how big that dot at the begining of this post really is, and how big you are in relation to it.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tiny Tiny Universe.
Posted by
Jason Kirk
4:20 PM
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I showed this video to Rachel and Rosie. Responses:
Rachel, "Wow, I think the Milky Way is cool."
Rosie, "Well I still think I'm big."
That's part of the point, you are massive in comparison to the molecule, atoms, and particles that you are made up of, yet minuscule in comparison to the solar system, galaxy, and universe.
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