Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Your Life, Electrified

The concept of recording your entire life is not that recent an invention, but modern-day self-documentarians have many resources that diarists of an earlier age could only dream of. One such fantasist was Vannevar Bush, who argued that humanity should turn its attention to compiling the vast knowledge of the ages, and process even our own lives with the help of transistors. Many years later, a man named Gordon Bell has created something called MyLifeBits, a complete archive of his life accessible through a database. Now, in conjunction with that idea, Microsoft is developing a camera designed to be worn around the neck that will capture everything you experience. It's still pretty dorky, but looking like a dork is a small price to pay for a cyborg existence.

also: Are Bemes stronger than memes? Some thoughts on recording your personality to tape.

1 comment:

Wormocious: Bodhisattva of Nanoemotions said...

I have dreamed for a long time about a contact lens camera. There are times when riding down the road, when I see something that I could show to everyone, and a mental picture is not nearly sufficient in most cases. These types of advances are necessary, and cannot come fast enough.