Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mother 3 Eats your Face

Mother is the Japanese name for the series known as Earthbound in the U.S. The third entry in the series was made for Game Boy Advance several years ago, but Nintendo has thus far not approved the game for an American localization even though Mother 2 (heroes shown above) is one of the most beloved of SNES games. (Reggie Fils-Aime and George Harrision have repeatedly made rumblings about Virtual Console versions of Earthbound, Mother 3, and other classic Japanese titles, but these have thus far failed to come to fruition.)

Anyway, in the absence of real progress from Nintendo, fans are busily translating the ROM of Mother 3 into English. They've been at it for one year and this video just whets my appetite. Thanks, Nintendo, now only "pirates" will have access to this masterpiece. Arrrr!